McAuliffe's Valley Nursery
McAuliffe's Valley Nursery
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 Herb Gardening


From culinary to medicinal uses, herbs offer functional beauty in our gardens. Most often

we think of herbs for full-sun sites, however, there are many that do well in partial sun.

Additionally, there are herbs that grow well in containers, or sunny window sills, which 

is great news for gardeners who have small spaces. Herbs can be annual, herbaceous perennial and

 evergreen perennial.  Right now at the nursery, we have a huge selection of hard-to-find and

commonly grown herbs in stock now. Come on down and get your herb garden going!


Pretty Peonies 

What garden is complete without this classic, romantic beauty?  Native to China it has been known as

 the blossom of nobility.  The peony has been in cultivation for thousands of years for their ornamental

 and medicinal qualities. In our gardens we have prized the peony for its carefree grace and elegance.

 A popular perennial or shrub, they are ideal for cut flower arrangements and require little maintenance.

Peonies are a long-lived joy in the landscape, continuing their show with beautiful fall color long

 after the flowers have come and gone. Peonies come in many types including the most commonly cultivated;

 herbaceous Peony (Paeonia lactiflora), the tree Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), ITOH/Intersectional Peonies

 and the Woodland Peony (Paeonia obovata).  Come on in and see our collection of these timeless wonders.

Unique Specialty Annuals

 In addition to carrying the tried and true classic annuals, we take pride in seeking out uncommon

 beauties to enhance your landscape and container arrangements. Whether gardening in the shade or full

Sun, we have a beautiful selection of flowers and foliage to last the whole season long. Stop by to

put together a winning combination that will bring vibrancy and joy to your home and garden.

Some interesting examples are the colorful Coleus that thrive in shade and provide a rainbow

of colors, Petunias with wonderful contrasts, or the easy-to-grow and playful Nemesia.


Gardening Terms 

  Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a perennial and annual and

have you ever heard of biennial?  These terms are used to describe the different types of

plants we see in our gardens.  First, a perennial comes back for two years or more and can

 be woody, herbaceous, evergreen, or deciduous and many perennials can live a long life.

Some examples of this include Red Twig Dogwood (woody) Echinacea (herbaceous) and 

Heuchera (evergreen). Annuals on the other hand complete their lives within one year

and then die.  The plants have a brief and most often glorious life from spring until they

flower and create their seed or until the first killing frost of Autumn. Examples of this 

include Peas, Dill, and Gerber daisies.  And lastly biennials, in the first year of this plants 

life, it grows the vegetative structure; roots, stems, and leaves and enters dormancy in 

the fall.  The next year it produces flowers followed by seeds and completes its

life cycle. Some examples of biennial plants are Fennel, Parsley, and Foxgloves. 

Fabulous Figs 

A gourmet delight this delectably sweet fruit is wonderful fresh, dried, prepared

 in dishes or as a preserve. Figs trees can be grown in containers as well as planted

 directly in your garden in a sunny location. They are well-suited to the mild

 Pacific Northwest climate and are hardy to around 10 degrees F. Figs thrive in 

organically rich, moderately moist, well-drained soil. This deciduous tree reaches an

 average mature size of 10-20' tall and wide they can also be pruned to control their size.

Right now we have several varieties to choose from including Little Ruby,

 Chicago Hardy, Corky's Honey Delight, and Brown Turkey.  Hurry in!

May Garden Tasks

Aphids and other damaging insects have returned. We recommend Neem Oil Spray which is 

safe and effective at keeping their population from growing and damaging your garden.

Fertilize your roses and other flowering shrubs and perennials with Dr. Earth Rose & Flower Fertilizer,

 which is uniquely formulated to encourage lush foliage and bountiful blooms.

Plant your vegetable garden with seeds or starts. The soil is warm so we can

 plant those heat-loving crops, such as tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, and peppers.

Keep on top of the weeds and 

get to them before they produce seeds.

Check your irrigation system to ensure it is in good working condition. 

Apply Hydrangea Blueing Formula now for bluer blossoms later.

Prune early blooming shrubs such as Forsythia, Quince, and Pieris.

Turn your compost bin

as you introduce new trimmings to the pile.

We recommend staying on top of slug and snail control

with pet-friendly & environmentally friendly Sluggo.


Mulch around your plants provides a layer of insulation during the cold winter

 months and reduces water loss during the heat of summer. 

G&B Soil Conditioner will offer nutrition and insulation and improve the soil texture.

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